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professor Imamverdi Hamidov

Head of the Department of the ancient period of the Azerbaijan literature, The Institute of Literature of National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan


Scientific degree: Doctor of sciences on philology … (more)

Scientific degree: Doctor of sciences on philology

Specialty: Azerbaijan literature; World literature

Topic name: The problems of investigation of classics of Azerbaijan literature in Arabic literature

Total number of printed scientific publications: 99

Number of scientific publications printed abroad: 29

Names of scientific works:

1.Ibn Kuteyba Dinavari. Baku, Elm, 1998

2.Abu Bakr al-Valibi and work “Akhbarul-Majnun and asharuhu” Baku, Elm, 1999

3.The pages from Azerbaijan-Arabic literary connections. Baku, Elm, 2002

4.Classics  of Azerbaijan literary in Arabic literary criticism. Baku, Elm, 2007

5.Divan of Ali ibn Talib. The philological translation (Together with M.V.Mukhtari). Baku. 2011

6.Al-adabul-Azeri (Azerbaijan literature) (With Nasr Abbas and Fatima al-Mavafi). Abu-Dabi, 2013 (in Arabic).

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:

1.Member of Scientific Council Nizami Institute of ANAS

2.Member of Dissertation Council at Nizami Institute of ANAS

Pedagogical activity:

1993-2011 Lecturer on Arabic literature at the state University

1997-2006  Lecturer on Arabic language and literature at Baku Asian University

1997-2006 lecturer on Arabic language and literature at Baku Asian University

1999-2010 Lecturer on Arabic at the Egypt Central Culture in Baku

Awards and prizes:

Reward of NationalAcademy of Azerbaijan Republic in 2004 end 2013

Main place of work and its address:

Nizami Institute  of Literature of  ANAS, AZ1073, Baku, Huseyn Javid Avenue, 115