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Dr Nzweundji Germo

Researcher, Institute of Medical and Medicinal Plants Research


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Dr Nzweundji Justine Germo is the President of Cameroon Academyof Young Scientists (CAYS). She is a plant biotechnologist, researcher at the Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies(IMPM)/ Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation. Her researchinterest is tissue culture of medicinal plants for better domesticationand production of secondary metabolites.She received Unesco-l’Oreal fellowship for her PhD research in USat Tropical Research and Educational Center, University of Florida in2011 and Alabama A&M University in 2013. She received manygrants and prices and in 2015 the price of the best junior researcherof IMPM. Since 2016, she is a member of the steeringCommittee INGSA-Africa. She also has been involved in training andsupervising many students for their internship and their Master’s Thesis. In early 2018, she received a postdoctoral research fellow atGeisenheim Hoschule University in Germany through TWAS-DFG. She is a 5.1 cohort fellow of African Science Leadership Programme 2019.