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Dr. Muhammad Asaduzzaman

Research Fellow, University of Oslo,Norway


I introduce myself as a global One Health professional whose career goal aimed to… (more)

I introduce myself as a global One Health professional whose career goal aimed to interdisciplinary scientific capacity building in Global South in collaboration with developed countries. I completed my medical graduation and MPhil degree (With NOMA grant, UiO) from Bangladesh (Asia), MPH in Biosecurity from NewZealand (With One Health Fellowship grant), postdoc from UC Berkeley (USA-with Fogarty fellowship) and currently doing my PhD in Norway (Europe) focusing on the transmission dynamics of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in horn of Africa and their AMR surveillance capacity strenghthening. In my global health career of more than a decade, I had been involved in zoonotic and vaccine preventable disease surveillances in both urban and rural settings (e.g. Nipah, HPAI, Anthrax, Cholera), several large vaccine trials, training and grant management, AMR research, serving as public health faculty, research ethics, science diplomacy, open source healthcare information, one health and planetary health initiatives in LMIC settings. I am engaged with several international professional bodies, some with significant responsibilities like member of global emerging scholars committee in Planetary Health Alliance, country representative of HIFA, associate faculty of F1000. My major publishing journals include The Lancet, Lancet Infectious Diseases, NEJM,Vaccine,BMJ, Lancet Planetary Health etc. I consider science diplomacy a major tool of the holistic approach to achieve scientific output at both policy and end user level.