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Prof. Lajos Völgyesi
Research Professor, Budapest Technical University
He graduated as geophysicist at the Lorand Eötvös University (ELTE), Faculty of Science in 1971; he received his Ph.D. of Natural Sciences at ELTE in 1975, and a Ph.D. at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 1995. He made a habilitation at BME in 2004 and he became the Doctor of Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2006. He is a professor emeritus at BME, Department of Geodesy and Surveying. Earlier he was the vice-dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. His main research fields are the physical and mathematical geodesy, gravity field of the Earth, time variation of gravity, applications of torsion balance measurements, physical background of geoid anomalies, rotation of the Earth, mathematical geosciences, and the engineering seismology. He is the member of the Geophysical Society of Hungary; the Lorand Eötvös Physical Society; the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing; the International Association of Geodesy (IAG); the Editorial Board of the Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica; the American Geophysical Union (AGU); the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG); and the International Lithosphere Program (ILP). He was the president of the Geodetic and Geodynamic Scientific Subcommittee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the University Rowing Club. He is the president of the Geodetic and Geodynamic Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, president of the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Section of Geodesy, and the president of BME Waterpolo Club. He is the editor of the Periodica Polytechnica Civil Eng. in the section of Geodesy. He has been honored by the award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; a „Fasching Antal” award of the Ministry of Rural Development; and „Apáczai Csere János” award of the Ministry of Human Resources. He is the member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from 2019.
Abstract:Experiences and results of the re-running of the Eötvös experiment
Völgyesi, L., Szondy, Gy., Tóth, Gy., Ván, P., Barnaföldi, G., Deák, L., Égető, Cs., Fenyvesi, E., Harangozó, P., Gróf, Gy., Kiss, B., Lévai, P., Péter, G., Somlai, L.
On the occasion of the Eötvös 100 anniversary, in 2017 a precise repeat of the Eötvös experiment was undertaken. Studying descriptions of the original measurements, we found a possible explanation for the known systematic error, strongly motivating our plan to perform the Eötvös experiment again under better conditions and using new modern technology. In the presentation the physical principle and brief history of the Eötvös torsion balance will be reviewed, then the results concerning the proportionality between the gravitational and the inertial masses will be discussed. We give a brief overview of the preparations for the measurements and summarize the first results of the experiment