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Prof. Dr. József Popp
University Professor, Dean, Corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
József Popp is Professor and dean at Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Hungary. He is also an active member and chairman of several academic and professional organisations and regularly conducts professional training seminars for various organisations. Professor József Popp obtained his PhD of economics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and his Dr. Sc. oec. degree at the Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. He is a corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences where he is the chairman of the Bolyai János research scholarship Committee, the chairman of the Committee on Agricultural Economics and the vice-chairman of the Scientific Committee on Circular Economy. He also serves as a member on a number of editorial boards of international journals worldwide. He has participated in several international research projects and is a member of several national councils related to science and education.
His main research field includes global food-, energy- and environmental security analysis, competitiveness of the food economy, rural development, supply chain management and renewable energy. He has received several national and international awards and honours. Among his honours: Lifetime Achievement Award, Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research, 2011.Doctorem Honoris Causa Pannon University, Hungary, 2010 and „Honoris Causa Professorship”, Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research, 2010. Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Recognition of Research Contributions, 2011.
He has a long list of publications (about 250 papers) and has advised dozens of PhD students and postdoctors holding research and teaching positions in Hungary and abroad.
Links to publications:
Abstract:Sustainable agriculture: achieving food, energy and environmental security
The world’s growing population is projected to reach 9-10 billion by 2050, with 70% of the population in urban areas, compared to 54% today. Agriculture currently accounts for 40% of the Earth’s land surface and 70% of the world’s use of fresh water. Agriculture and the food system also currently account for about 30% of energy consumption, and just under one-third of greenhouse gases originate from agriculture and food. Moreover, up to one-third of the world’s food production is lost or wasted, according to some estimates. One third of global population is considered overweight, of whom 30% are obese (with a body mass index greater than 30). Hunger and undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and overnutrition with obesity exist in parallel and are partly connected. Worldwide, 0.8 billion people are chronically undernourished in terms of calorie deficit, and 2 billion people are undernourished due to micronutrient deficit.
The transport sector uses one third of total final energy demand and is responsible for 23% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. About 96% of global transport energy needs are met by oil and petroleum products. In 2017, renewable energy accounted for an estimated 18.1% of total final energy consumption. Traditional use of biomass for cooking and heating accounts for 7.5%, and modern renewables for 10.6%, of total final energy demand. The proportion of global cropland used for biofuels is currently some 2% (30-35 million gross hectares). Biofuel represents a very small percentage of overall changes in land use. By adding co-products substituted for grains and oilseeds the land required for cultivation of feedstocks declines from about 2% to 1.5% net land requirement of the global crop area. The challenge is to support advanced biofuel development which is ecologically sustainable and commercially feasible. The EU and US have introduced caps on food-based biofuels.
Climate change will have negative impacts on food systems, necessitating the introduction of climate-smart agriculture; but agriculture itself also contributes substantially to climate change. Environmental sustainability includes climate resilience throughout food systems and transforming food systems to mitigate their global warming impact. Land and water use should provide a range of the private and public goods required in a sustainable way. Sustainable intensification enhances the efficiency of inputs and land use. Food and nutrition security must include both supply-side and demand-side issues: reducing food waste and changing to healthier consumption patterns will reduce pressure on land and other resources.