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Professor Jennifer Merchant
Full Professor, Université Panthéon-Assas Paris 2
Jennifer Merchant obtained her PhD in political science from Sciences po Paris, and now teaches at the Université de Paris II. Her research privileges a pluridisciplinary approach at the crossroads of political science, law, gender studies and bioethics in Anglo-American and European countries. She is currently working on two projects: 1° analyzing from a comparative perspective (France/United States) policies relative to gender and health care and research, and 2° comparative public policy analyses of the framing of human genome editing (HGE) and their impact on the future of human reproduction. She is a member of the Inserm Ethics Committee and of the Institut universitaire de France, and was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Committee on HGE. Among her publications; Procréation et politique aux Etats-Unis, 1965-2005 (Paris, Belin 2006), “Assisted Reproductive Technology in the United States: Towards a National Regulatory Framework”, IJB 2009 (https://www.cairn.info/revue-journal-international-de-bioethique-2009-4-page-55.htm), Access to Assisted Reproductive Technologies: The Case of France and Belgium (dir.), Berghahn forthcoming October 2019 (https://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/MerchantAccess) and Les fondements juridiques des droits des femmes aux États-Unis (The Juridical Foundations of Women’s Rights in the United States), ENS Editions forthcoming November 2019