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Dr. Angela Liberatore
Head of Social Sciences and Humanities Unit, European Research Council
Angela Liberatore is Head of Unit on Social Sciences and Humanities at the European Research Council Executive Agency. The Unit manages the evaluations and monitoring of projects submitted to ERC in that domain. Previously she worked in DG RTD of the European Commission (EC) in the International Cooperation programme, the Social Sciences and Humanities, and the Environment programme. She has been working on 'science diplomacy' issues, participated in the EC work on the White Paper on European Governance and in the negotiation of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change. Publications include 'Climate Change, Security and Peace: The Role of the EU'; ‘Balancing security and democracy. Biometric politics in the European Union'; 'Democratising Expertise, Expertising Democracy'; 'The Management of Uncertainty: Learning from Chernobyl. She holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences (European University Institute) and a degree in Philosophy (University of Bologna).