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Dr Shoji Komai
Associate Professor, Nara Institute of Science and Techonology
He is Associate Professor, Neuroscience and Behavioral Science at Nara Insittute of Science Technology (NAIST), Japan. He's currently a visiting researcher at International Institute for Advanced Studies, Kyoto, Japan. And he's also a member of RIKEN, one of largest research institute of Japan, as an innovation designer considering 100-year future from a various scientific points of view. After Shoji Komai obtained a PhD (biology) at NAIST, he worked in Kobe Unviversity as a postdoc studying neuronal plasticity in the hippocampus and amygdala. Then he moved to Max-Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg Germany for his second postdoc to study the function of a sub-cellular archtecture of neuron in vivo. His research interests include minimal unit of neural information and behavioral representation as a result of it. He has published on these topics in Nature Neuroscience, Nature Protocols, EMBO, and other journals. Shoji Komai is an alumnus of Global Young Academy and an ex-chairperson of National Young Academy of Japan. Shoji Komai is in charge of empowering not only young researchers but also people in lots of different sectors, which is one of his interests not only in his academic career but also in social service as a human being.