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Professor Claudia Aradau
Professor of International Politics, King's College London
Claudia Aradau is Professor of International Politics in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London. Her research has developed a critical political analysis of security practices. Among her publications are Politics of Catastrophe: Genealogies of the Unknown (co-authored with Rens van Munster, 2011) and Critical Security Methods: New Frameworks for Analysis (co-edited with Jef Huysmans, Andrew Neal and Nadine Voelkner, 2015). Her journal articles have proposed novel research agendas in critical security studies and International Relations around democracy and security, risk, materialism and epistemic politics. She is on the editorial collective of Radical Philosophy and on the editorial boards of International Political Sociology and Security Dialogue. She has been Chair of the Science, Technology and Art Section (STAIR) of the International Studies Association (2017-2019). Aradau is Principal Investigator of the European Research Council Consolidator Grant SECURITY FLOWS ‘Enacting border security in the digital age: political worlds of data forms, flows and frictions’ (2019-2024) and of the Open Research Area-funded grant GUARDINT ‘Oversight and intelligence networks: Who guards the guardians?’ (2019-2022). She is currently finalising a book with Tobias Blanke on ‘Algorithmic reason: The new government of self and other’.