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Dr Frank Zuijdam
Head of Academic Affairs, University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Frank Zuijdam is Head of Academic Affairs of the University of Amsterdam. In this position he is responsible for the policy unit at the central level of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The aim of the unit is policy development in teaching, research and valorisation. The unit supports the board of the UvA, more in particular the Rector.
Before joining the UvA Frank was working at the Technopolis Group, a firm with a focus on evaluation of science, technology and innovation. At the Technopolis Group Frank was involved in several projects on science policy and innovation policy in the Netherlands and a number of European countries (including also the European Commission). Earlier he worked at the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO (the Dutch Research Council) in several positions
Frank is Dutch and born in 1968. He holds an MA in Political Science and Contemporary History from the University of Amsterdam and a PhD in Political History, also from the University of Amsterdam.