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Dr. Farzana Zaman
Divisional Expert, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)
Dr. Farzana Zaman MBBS MPH is the Divisional Tuberculosis Expert, National Tuberculosis (TB) Control Program under Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Bangladesh. Dr. Farzana is a medical professional and public health program specialist at national level. Currently, she is actively engaged in implementing national TB control activities at divisional level including supervision and monitoring of diagnosis, management and reporting of adult and child TB, multi drug resistant (MDR) and extended drug resistant (XDR) TB. In addition, her responsibilities include the proper functioning of DOTs center as well as writing national guidelines and program manuals, sharing information with partner NGOs, INGOs and local health authorities. She has good communication skill with leadership qualities. She is member of multiple professional bodies including Asia Pacific Travel Health Society (APTHS), The Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), Agriculture and applied economics association (AAEA) etc.She is enthuasistic to build a successful scientific career in global south.