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Dr. Gitanjali Yadav
SS-V, National Institute of Plant Genome Research
Employment & Education
Sep 2016: Lecturer, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, U.K
April 2006: Scientist, National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), New Delhi, India
2000-2005 Ph.D. Immunology, NII, JNU, New Delhi
1998-2000 M.Sc. Biomedical Research, University of Delhi,
1994-1997 B.Sc.(H) Botany, University of Delhi
Food Security, Genomics, Complex Networks
Honors & Awards:
- Hamied Fellowship, by University of Cambridge, UK (2019)
- Woman Ambassador Award, by CEFIPRA France (2018)
- INSA Bilateral Exchange Program Award (2018) by Indian National Science Academy
- Early Career Award, 2017 by Royal Society, London, UK
- SERB Women Excellence Award (2013) by Sc & Engg Research Board India.
- INSA Medal for Young Scientists (2011) by Indian National Science Academy
- Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award (2009) in Biological Sciences, by NASI, India
- Catch Them Young’ Award, by CSIR (1998)
Source of Funds for Research
- RCUK Funded GCRF Program GBP 7.8m (2018-22)
- CSIR Govt of India, INR 32Lacs (2018 – 21)
- DST, SERB, INR 35Lacs (2018 -21)
- DBT GoI, INR 40l, (2019-22)
Publication DATA:
Publications: >40; Citations: 3580; h-index: 27; i10 Index: 55
Membership of Science Societies
Fellow, St Edmunds College, Cambridge, Member,
National Core Committee, Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS);
British Ecological Society;
National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI)
Internship Theses: >25
Ph.D. Students: NINE (3 Awarded)
Workshops Organised: >25
1. Bridging Gap b/w Science & Society
2. Science for underprevileged children in rural areas.