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Mr Koukeu Valentin

President, Industrial Leadership for Africa Development (ILEAD)


Name: Mr. KOUKEU Valentin  … (more)

Name: Mr. KOUKEU Valentin 

Date of Birth: 24th of January 1967 

Nationality: Cameroonian 

Residence: Yaoundé-Cameroon II-1- 


Education: II-1- 

1-Higher Education: 

-2016: Post graduate Diploma in ICT Education, from ICT University of USA, Cameroon campus, 

-2003: Higher Technical Teachers’ Diploma in Manufacturing Mechanical Engineering from the Advanced Technical Teachers’ Training College “ENSET”, University of Douala, 

-1993: Higher Technical Teachers’ Diploma in Moto Mechanical Engineering from Advanced Technical Teachers’ Training College “ENSET”, University of Douala. 


II-1-2- Seminars and Conferences: 

- 2018: Cameroon National Day of Technology, 

- 2017: 8th World Science Forum held from 7th to 11th November in Jordan, -2017: “Intellectual propriety and youth employment” organised by the African Organization of the Intellectual Property “OAPI” at its head quarter Yaoundé, 

-2017: “Africa-US frontier in science” organised by STEM-Africa IV in Yaoundé, 

-2016: The stakeholder consultation to exchange ideas and collect feedback on emerging Research & Development needs and priorities for EGNSS in the following main areas: Transport, Location-Based Services, Professional markets and other applications, in the frame of Horizon 2020 Space Work Programme 2018-2020, organised by GSA and European Commission in Belgium, 

-2015: Training on “Administrative procedure” conducted by NC Consulting in Yaoundé, 

-2014: "Horizon 2020 and Beyond... RTOs in International Collaboration" organized by The Danish Technological Institute (DTI), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL), the World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO) in Copenhagen, 

-2014: Training on “Project Management” by MDS Canada in Yaoundé, 

-2012: “Thermal analysis and thermal engine” organised by the Cameroon Group of Combustion at the faculty of science in the University of Yaoundé I (2012) and the Faculty of Industrial Engineering “FGI”, University of Douala (2014).



II-2-1- Professional Experience in Higher education under the Ministry of Higher Education: 

•2012- 2017: Expert at the Cameroon association of combustion based at the faculty of science of University of Yaoundé I, 

•2014: Research on “the professional computer science and ICT teachers’ technology integration knowledge’s for the effective integration of ICT in secondary schools in Cameroon”, 

•2003-2006: Lecturer at the mechanic department of “ENSET”, University of Douala, 

•2003-2006, Member of the Research Group of Composite Materials, University of Douala, 

•2003, Research on Conception and realization of a calorimeter combustion bomb for laboratories of University of Douala. II-2-2- Professional Experience at the Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC) of Cameroon: 

•2010-2017, Research Officer at the Teaching and Technical Directorate of MINESEC. Involved in: -Strategies of management of public and private technical and vocational schools of MINESEC (2010-2017), -Project on partnership between National Hydro Power Company (NHPC) and MINESEC (2016-2017), -Projects of budget elaboration of MINESEC (2012 à 2015), -Project on the creation of the Government Vocational High School of hostel management and tourism of Limbe and Kribi, (2010-2013), 

•2004-2010, Teacher at G.T.C Ngoa-Ekelle of Yaoundé, Department of Moto Mechanics, 

•1998-2000, Teacher at GTC of Ngoa-Ekelle of Yaoundé, Department of Moto Electricity and Electronics, 

•1994-1998, Teacher at Government Technical College (GTC) of Bamenda, Department of Moto Mechanics. II-2- 3- Professional experience in social well fair: •2004-2017: President of ILEAD, 

•2016-…: affiliated to the European Commission partnership under the PIC 913391189, 

•2014-…: Attracted by WAITRO activities, 

•2005-2012: Coordinator of U.N.E.S.C.O. club of CETIC (Government Technical College) Ngoa-Ekellé, 

•2011-…: Affiliated to SOCILADRA board, 

•2005-2012: Technical Adviser of the president of FE.CA.CLUBS. UNESCO, Vice President of F.M.A.C.U,

•2001-2006: Littoral Region Coordinator of FE.CA.CLUBS. UNESCO, 

•2004-…: Affiliated to OAPI, •1998-2000: Secretary General Follower at FE.CA.CLUBS. UNESCO (Centre Region) and Coordinator of UNESCO club of CETIC Ngoa-Ekellé Yaoundé: Author in 1999 of a UNESCO french anthem for the peace and respect of Environment in the world (not yet adopted), 

•1994-1996: Provincial Delegate of North-West for the national festival of school artists, 

•Collaboration with many other International Organisations in the domains of Science, Technology, Trade, Culture, Inclusive development. II-2- 4- Projects conducted under ILEAD: 

•2016-2017: Elaboration of a completed project proposal on warrantee system targeting small farmers in 10 Regions of Cameroon and respecting the requirement of International Organizations. Potential Partner: MINADER (Ministry of the Agriculture and the Rural Development). Islamique Bank of Developement.*

 •2016: Elaboration of a project proposal on incubation targeting young students at the end of studies, by prototyping their research results and supporting the creation of their enterprises,* 

•2016: Elaboration of project proposal related to horizon 2020 EGNSS applications. GALILEO-4-2017: EGNSS awareness raising and capacity building. In response to the call by GSA and European Commission. * 

•2015: Elaboration of a project proposal on the development and implementation of an innovative mechanism for national and international collaborations for economic enhancement of innovative technologies for the inclusive development of developing countries (the case of Cameroon). Search of technical and financial partners, for the building of an international consortium. 

•2014-2017: In respect of the needs of MINADER, Search of technical and financial partners in WAITRO Network for the implementation of project of Cassava and Arish potatoes. Potential partner: TNO. *

•2015-2017: Expert in sub-commissions of analysis of tenders at the Ministry of Public Market of Cameroon.

•2013: Production of a report on the study on the problematic of the economical enhancement of national research results in Cameroon, in preparation of the elaboration of a project on the mobilization of technological innovations in Cameroon with the collaboration of the Cameroon government, 

•2010-2017: Practical research on the designing and construction of an innovative calorimeter combustion bomb adapted to the local environment.* 

•2015: Elaboration of a project proposal on: “Problematic of the integrated protection in post-harvests management: Optimization of the treatment of dry seeds and foodstuffs exported from Cameroon and from other developing countries by the integration of a reliable and ecologically clean technological solution”.*

• 2011-2012: Elaboration of an article on the problematic of the economic enhancement of Research products in Cameroon. 

•2005-2008: Rehabilitation of the calorimeter bomb of the energetic laboratory of ENSPT of Yaoundé. Financed by energetic laboratory of ENSPT II-3- 


Language skills: -1-French (First) -2-English (Second) -3-Medumba (Native) 


II- 4- Publications: 

-Koukeu, V., ILEAD. (2016). Location-based services and new emerging mass market application (e.g. Internet of Things).

-Koukeu, V., NJeugna, E. (2003). Designing and construction of a calorimetric system, for energetic characterization of combustibles manufactured in the laboratory of composite materials of the University of Douala. Published in the journal of the University of Douala. -Koukeu, V., ILEAD. (2014). Report of the survey on the economic enhancement of research products in Cameroon. Published in the concerned public administrative services

- Koukeu, V., ILEAD. (2014) Report of the survey on the economic enchancement of research products in Cameroon. Published in the concerned public administrative service