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Dr Pham Thi Thu Hang
Chairwoman, Shining Sun Social Company Ltd.
Dr. Hang is Chairwoman of ShiningSun Social Enterprise Ltd.
Dr. Hang received Ph. D in Economic in 1990 at State Moscow University. She is former Secretary General of Vietnam Chamber Of Commerce and Industry ( 2011-2017) and former Director of a research Institute - Enterprises Development Foundation ( 2005-2018). Dr. Hang particiated a number of research programs and has been author or co-author of some international pubilcation endorsed by World Bank, ILO, ESRC-UK, IDRC-Canada. She is Editor in Chief of 11 Series of Vietnam Annual Business Reports ( 2006-20160 and member of Editing Board of Journal of Global Entreprenership. Currently, Dr Hang is managing a non profit organisation- ShiningSun- in the form of social enterprise, focusing on cultural, education and technology promotion through Entrepreneurship, invetsting in start-up and technology commercialisation.
Dr. Hang has got Medal of III Class by President of Vietnam and Three Award Certificates by Prime Minister of Vietnam.