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Dr Aldo Stroebel
Executive Director Strategic Partnerships, National Research Foundation of South Africa
Dr Aldo Stroebel is Executive Director Strategic Partnerships at the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa, and Visiting Fellow at the Institute for African Development at Cornell University, USA. He serves as South Africa’s National Contact Point for the ERC to H2020, and on the boards of the Water Research Commission (WRC) and the Agricultural Research Council (ARC). He is a past President of the Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA). In 2017, he was admitted as a Foreign Fellow of the Ugandan National Academy of Science, and is a founding member of the SA Young Academy of Science (SAYAS). Education credentials: University of Pretoria (BSc- and Hons-degrees); University of Ghent, Belgium (Masters in International Agricultural Development); University of the Free State and Cornell University, USA (PhD); Postdoctoral research at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He has published widely in smallholder farming systems, and has been acknowledged as a leader in internationalisation of Higher Education, and research and innovation management
Abstract:Publicly funded science granting councils play a significant role in availing funding to support both human capital development in science, and research and innovation activities at research performing institutions. They are an important change agent regarding the participation of women in STI, and increased consideration of the gender dimension of research and innovation. Under auspices of the Global Research Council (GRC), global science granting councils reflected, discussed and endorsed an Action Plan towards Equality and Status of Women in Research. The action plan indicates key actions for science granting councils, which have been endorsed as a global framework of engagement.