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Dr Tozama Qwebani-Ogunleye
Project Manager, Vaal University of Technology (Dihlare Pty Ltd)
Dr Tozama Qwebani-Ogunleye is currently the Project Manager in the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences in a company called Dihlare Remedy Pty Ltd. The company provides the ideal vehicle to authenticate traditional medicines in order to ultimately produce them for community consumption. She also head a research group where she supervise the next generation of scientists, funded through her National Research Foundation (NRF) Thuthuka Post-PhD track research grant. In 2015 she wrote a book called, 20 Fantastic Life Lessons; Insights from my journey.
She has published scientific manuscripts in accredited journals with good impact factors, successfully supervised and supervising several BTech, MTech and PhD Chemistry students. Dr Qwebani-Ogunleye has also been one of the judges and convenor for Eskom Young exhibition Expo to judge science projects in 2016, as well as part of the team that organised the Science Week at Tshwane University of Technology in 2016 and Vaal University of Technology in 2018. In 2019 she is one of the winners of the InspiringFifty South Africa. In 2018 she was the recipient of the TechWomen Fellowship. TechWomen is an Initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. It is a platform for emerging women leaders in STEMI and the award encompasses a one month working visit to the San Francisco’s Silicon Valley. The same year she was nominated to be the South African Young Academy of Science member. Webpage: