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Doctor Ayu Parawansa
Head Laboratory of Plant Pests and Diseases, Indonesian Muslim University
Doctor Ayu Kartini Parawansa. She is a lecturer since 1993 of Plant Protection/Agricultural Science. Since 2012 until now, she has participant member in United Nation: World Ecological Safety Assembly (2012); UN AOC (2014) as speaker participant from Director Climate Change for North America; Permanent paticipant member of International Science, Technology and Innovation for South-South Cooperation Under Auspices of UNESCO; member of International in Women STI-UNESCO. She signed of the Seoul Declaration for Advance Gendered Research, Innovation and Socio-economic Development in The Asia Pacific. Since 2017, she joined in the World Science Forum, and present at 10th ISTIC-UNESCO Anniversary in International Conference on Climate Change Education. In the field of science, she joined in the ACIAR Cocoa Project Hort.2010/2011 for researched Vascular Streak Dieback on Cocoa Disease and actived at several scientific conferences and meetings such as oral presentations at the International Congress of Plant Pathology (2013), International Conference of Pakistan Phytopathological Society (2014), International Congress of Plant Protection (2015), etc.
Also, join few programs and training such as the Sandwich Program at La Trobe University (Australia, 2010), International Empowering Women in Agriculture (Malaysia 2015), Women's Leadership and Community Driven Impact Assessment at the Coady International Institute-St.F.Xavier University, Canada (2016), etc.