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Dr Hayet Omri

Deputy in the parliament of Tunisia, Doctor and researcher in chemistry, Assembly of the Representatives of the People


-PhD in Applied chemistry … (more)

-PhD in Applied chemistry

-Master in industrial chemistry

- Engineer in industrial chemistry

- International arbitrator in investment contracts and international trade

- Membre of the international justice foundation for judicial and diplomatic studies 

-Membre of the committee of arab women engineers

Scientific production :many scientific publications, five patents, many international scientific  lectures...

Parliamentary work:

* Membre of the tunisian parliament

* chief of working group of higher education and scientific research 

* vice president of the committee of youth and cultural affairs and eduation and sientific research

* Member of the women's committee, youth and children


International awards:

-  Award "Engineered arabic distinguished for the years 2016

- Award AFRABIA "Sience and Arts 2015" 

- Republic decoreted officer given by State Head

- Francophone grand prize, France 2015

- Gold Tanit of the French republic 2015

- Gold medal at Inventors salon, France 2015

- Gold medal at inventors salon Tunisia 2015

- Eight gold medals in the international olympiads of inventors and innovators 2014 and 2013

- Presidential award 2013


Professional Memberships :

- Honorary president of the French Federation inventor since 2013

- Vice president of the association A.P.P

- General secretary of the association ATV "E.U.R"

- General secretary of the assocaition A.D.P.R