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Mr Martin Hynes
President, European Science Foundation (ESF)
Martin Hynes is President of the European Science Foundation.
Formerly Director of The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology he implemented a number of innovative national funding schemes especially for early career researchers.
Martin led the compilation of the first National Framework of Research Needs and was a significant contributor to the Technology Foresight initiative that laid the grounds for the establishment of Science Foundation Ireland. With specialist training in Governance, Martin has served on a number of Boards including the Irish University Quality Board and the Digital Enterprise Research Institute as well as those of private companies. He is also a member of the Foundation Board of the Royal Dublin Society (RDS) and Chairs ICHEC- the High End Computation Centre. ( An Engineer and MBA, he is a Fellow of Engineers Ireland. He was awarded the French Chevalier des Palmes Académiques in recognition for promotion of research between Ireland and France.