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Mr Jesus Hidalgo Bravo
News Editor, FECYT
My name is Jesús Hidalgo. I am a journalist at FECYT, a national science organization ( Through my professional career I have gained extensive experience on the publication of different articles, interviews and news closely related to environment, health, science and technology. At present, I am in charge of the video and multimedia contents.
I was awarded last year with one of the most important awards in Spain concerning science journalism: ‘premio de periodismo Accenture 2015’. Besides, I write a blog on science in spanish national television (RTVE).
I have attended multiple national and international events related to science, environment and technology, like European Science Forum (ESOF) in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 and Laureate Nobel Meeting in Lindau in 2013, World Science Forum 2015 in Budapest and Jordan 2017, among others.
Additionally, I have interviewed experts from various areas like different Nobel Prize whose works about the global scale environmental problems have a direct repercussion in people's daily lives.
For all these reasons, I feel enthusiastic to attend World Science Forum 2019 in Budapest. I strongly think that this encounter is a unique international platform for leaders from the worlds of science, business, politics, and society. In these particularly difficult times for Europe and the world it is important to build bridges. And this meeting especially works to have a slightly more hopeful future.
Kind Regards