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Ms. Réka Gaul
head of section, Ministry of Interior
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MA diploma on geology, hydrogeology – Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, 1998
Scholarship: Hydrological – hydrogeological research of Lake Fertő, Aktion Österreich – Ungarn, 1998
Postgrad. diploma on GIS – Technical University of Budapest, 2002
scientific assistant for groundwater: Water Resources Research Centre (VITUKI) 1999-2000
counsellor in the field of groundwater protection: Ministry of Environment and succeeding ministries 2001-2016
dept. head of department, Dept. for River Basin Management and Water Protection, Min. of Interior 2016-
- member of ICPDR Groundwater Task Group
- member of Water Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy Working Group Groundwater
- secretary of the Hungarian-Austrian Water Commission
- member of the Hungarian-Indian Joint Expert Group for the implementation of the provisions of the MoU
Relevant experience
- determination of the indicators SDG 6.3.2, 6.5.1-6.5.2, 6.6.1 for Hungary
- transboundary, bilateral and international cooperation in the field of water management
- water – agriculture interaction, sustainable use of polluting substances and natural resources
- water monitoring, data collection, management and processing
- river basin management planning
- water protection policy