‹ Backprofessor Eeva Furman
Director, Environment Policy Centre of the Finnish Environment Institute
Professor Eeva Furman is director of the Environment Policy Centre, Finnish Environment Institute, chair of Finland’s Sustainable Development Expert Panel and member of the IGS who wrote the UN’s Global Sustainable Development Report2019. Her activities, projects, presentations and positions of trust are in the fields of governance of sustainable development & systems transformation, biodiversity & health, ecosystem services & forests and nature based solutions & urbanisation. She runs national and international research projects such as the “Politics, practices and the transformative potential of sustainable diets”, Poprasus (lead, Academy of Finland), “Towards Eco-Welfare State: Orchestrating for Systemic Impact”, Orsi (deputy lead, Academy of Finland), “To Ally Technology, Nature and Society for integrated urban water management”, Athenas (work package lead, EU) and “Knowledge & Learning mechanism on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”, EKLIPSE (key expert, EU). She led the “Gap Analysis of implementing Agenda2030 in Finland” Avain2030, funded by the Prime Minister´s office in 2016. Furman was also part of the support team for the 2019 “Developmental evaluation of Finland’s sustainable development policy and transformation pathway”, Polku2030, also funded by the Prime Minister´s office. During the years 2012-2017 she coordinated the “Operationalisation of natural capital and ecosystem services”, OpenNESS (EU). She has been a member of the advisory board for Horizon2020, SC5 2013-2015 and 2016-2017, associate editor for Ecosystem services: science, policy & practice-journal, 2012–2014 and member of official delegations of Finland at eg. HLPF2019 July, Habitat III 2018, IPBES 2013, ASEM 2002. Furman has written more than 100 publications including peer reviewed international articles, reports and books for broad audience, blogs, www-snapshots, podcasts and interviews and received honors and prices for her work. (6.9.2019)