‹ BackMs. Mercury Fox
Director, CODATA-UA Center of Excellence in Data for Society
Merc Fox is the Founding Director of the CODATA-UA Center of Excellence in Data for Society at the University of Arizona, where she leverages her expertise in global STEM institutions toward a robust Track II science diplomacy model focused on data assets.
Ms. Fox has worked in both the Board on Life Sciences and the Policy and Global Affairs Division of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NASEM) on programs in science diplomacy, research ethics, global health monitoring, metagenomics, bioethics, seismic science, disaster risk and mitigation, women and minorities in STEM careers, and cooperation to reduce terror threats.
She has worked for the Library of Congress, the US Senate, George Mason University, Virginia Tech, the University of Wyoming, the University of Melbourne, the Regulatory Science Institute, and multiple environmental nonprofits and agencies, including Audubon, the Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Club, and others. Her current advisory board positions are with Global Women in Blockchain and the FDA/Xavier PharmaLink Consortium Culture and Infrastructure Working Group, and she is an active member of the CODATA Data Policy Committee, AAAS, NCSE, the American Association of University Women, the Forum on Science Ethics and Policy, the Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology, and the Society for Social Studies of Science.