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Prof. Jauad El Kharraz
Head of Research / General Secretary, MEDRC Water Research
Dr. Jauad El Kharraz is head of Research at the Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC) where he manages its research programs dealing with sustainable desalination technologies, water-energy-food nexus and other water-related topics.
He has more than 19 years of international experience (Spain, France, Oman, Euro-Mediterranean & MENA region) in water and science issues. He has been evaluation chair of water projects proposals for the Euro-Mediterranean program PRIMA, apart from chairing the evaluation of Jordanian-Palestinian MEDRC scholarships and the Palestinian-Dutch Academic Cooperation Program on Water (PADUCO), among other programs.
He has been information and projects manager at the Euro-Mediterranean Water Information System (EMWIS) based in Sophia Antipolis (France) before joining MEDRC. He has published and contributed to hundreds of conferences in more than 55 countries, journals and reports in the fields of water management, desalination, agriculture, water information systems, remote sensing applications and scientific research. He co-authored the last UNESCO science report (Arab countries chapter).
Dr. Jauad contributed to numerous projects funded by the European Commission, ESA, USAID, and other regional programs (FP5-FP7, H2020, ENPI NGO, ENPI CBC-Med, LIFE, SMAP...). He is co-founder & Secretary-General of Arab World Association of Young Scientists (Arab WAYS) & alumni of the Global Young Academy (GYA). He represented the French Ministry of High Education & Research at the Intergovernmental framework for EU Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST Action TN1301) in Brussels.