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PhD in Economics Marharyta Chuprina
associated professor of the Department of Management, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
2013: Defended the thesis for an academic degree PhD in Economics on the topic «Management of development of strategic potential of regional industrial complexes», the specialty “Development of productive forces and regional economy.
Since 2013 associated professor of the Department of Management (provides courses for Bachelor and Master students: “Management of Start-Ups”, “Management of Innovations”, “Information and Communication Technologies in Business”, supervises Bachelors’ and Masters’ thesis).
Since 2000 until now: Over 150 academic papers, including 3 monographies and 2 training manuals were published.
A sphere of scientific interests: management of information and communication technologies in business, ecological management, management of start-ups, management of innovations.