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Mr. Melese Mulu Baylie
Student , Szent Itvan University
1. Full Name: Melese Mulu Baylie
2. Qualification: I had Bachelor Degree of Arts in Economics from Addis Ababa University in July 2016 with Very Great Distinction.
3. Work Experience: I had thought for three years at Debre Tabor University at the Department of Economics since August 2016.
4. Extracurricular Activities: I had worked as Chairman of Scholarship and Promotion Committee, Examination Committee, Social Committee and the Discipline Committee of Department of Economics, Debre Tabor University.
Developed the Economics Students Association (EcoSA) at the Department of Economics.
Active Participant and member of Ethiopian Economic Association.
Participated and presented Seminars and Research Conferences organized by Debre Tabor University.
Good at STATA and SPSS research softwares.
Currently, MSc Student at Szent István University in Rural Development Engineering