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Dr Ágnes Baross
Sector Manager, Health, Genome British Columbia
Dr. Ágnes Baross has over 20 years of experience in the human health and life sciences sectors including research and development, operational management, as well as developing and managing research funding processes and strategic initiatives at a funding agency. She applies her deep understanding of genomics to support its implementation towards solving some of the world’s greatest challenges.
In her current role at Genome British Columbia (, Dr. Baross develops partnerships with academia, government, healthcare and industry to apply genomics-related solutions that address the needs of the Health Sector. She also engages with applicants to various Genome BC and Genome Canada funding competitions, and manages Genome BC’s portfolio of genomics technology platforms as well as large scale research projects.
Previously Dr. Baross held scientific research, development and management positions at the BC Cancer Research Centre, the University of British Columbia, other academic institutions and in the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Baross holds a Bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering, a Masters degree in Bioengineering and a Bioengineering Teacher’s Certificate from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Genetics from the University of British Columbia, Canada.