
WSF2017 Jordan issues Science For Peace Declaration

2017 Jordan Science For Peace Declaration underlines the 8th World Science Forum’s commitment to the responsible and ethical use of scientific knowledge in addressing the great challenges of humankind, more equitable use of natural and human resources and commits to promote diversity in science. Participants pledge to create a regional science forum for the Arab World.


Participants and partner organisations have come to a conclusion of the largest ever generalist science gathering in the Middle East held from 7-10 November at the Dead Sea. The meeting, that has brought together over 3,000 delegates from over 120 countries adopted the Declaration on Science for Peace calling for a global action to build a future that promises greater equality, security and opportunity for all, and in which science plays an increasingly prominent role as an enabler of fair and sustainable development.


The Declaration asserts that ‘Peace’ is far more than the absence of conflict. It implies an absence of fear and the full realisation of a whole and healthy life. It encompasses an equal access to the resources and potential of our planet.


‘Science for Peace’ signifies a call for the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals, and for the promise of hope and opportunity in the lives of all people in a world where borders must matter little as we struggle to build a better, and inevitably shared future. 


Please, read the full text of the Declaration here.

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