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Dr Esther Orozco

Emerit Professor, Consultor of the Minister of Foreing Affairs, CINVESTAV IPN, Minister of Foreing Affairs


Esther Orozco is an Emeritus Professor in Cinvestav, México and National Emeritus sResearch Fellow,… (more)

Esther Orozco is an Emeritus Professor in Cinvestav, México and National Emeritus sResearch Fellow, member of the Mexican Academy of Science, TWAS and WSF. Her work is focused to the study of genes and proteins involved in parasites virulence. She has more than 200 published scientific papers with a hidex=32. five books, five patents. She has directed more than 90 research thesis. Visitant professor in: Wizmann Institute of Science , University of Virginia, Harvard University and international fellow of Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Awards; Miguel Otero, Pateur Medal, Rosenkranz, Canifarma, LOreal-Unesco, recognitions of: Goverment of Chihuahua State, Mexico.  There is an award to scientist woman with her name. She was Secretary of Planning in Cinvestav, General Director of the Institute for Science and Technology in Mexico City and Dean of the University of Mexico City.